
The purpose of foreign language at Community High School District 128 is to equip students linguistically and culturally to communicate and function in the world neighborhood as an individual and within a group. Foreign language study develops an awareness of other people's views, an understanding of their unique ways of life and a recognition and respect for their contributions to the world at large. Linguistic proficiency and cultural knowledge combined will enable students to interact in a variety of real-life situations.

Foreign language study in District 128 expands the educational experience of students by connecting with other disciplines in the school curriculum. Language study encourages students to develop a greater understanding of their own language and culture and of language and culture in the broadest sense. In addition, the study of Latin enriches one's English vocabulary as well as training the mind in orderly thinking. Foreign language study prepares competent and self-confident students for work in multilingual communities at home and around the globe. Furthermore, District 128 recognizes the needs of non-English speaking students and strives to provide opportunities to further develop proficiency in their first language.

In addition to linguistic and cultural competence, the study of a foreign language will challenge students to use a variety of learning strategies and develop critical thinking skills, thereby preparing students to be successful in the workplace as well as to become life-long learners in a technological society.