Girls Lacrosse


UDPATE!  Open Gym on Thursday, January 30th will be at BRAINERD from 4:00-5:30pm.  Forecasted weather looks great for January!  

Open gym dates starting in January! 

  • All open gyms will be located in the West Gym from 8:00-9:30pm on Thursday.  In order to participate, you must have a mouthguard and goggles.  We do have some goggles available to borrow.  We also have some sticks available for athletes to borrow.  
  • Dates:  1/9, 1/16, 1/23, 1/30, 2/6, 2/13, 2/20, 2/27


Interested in trying out for Girls Lacrosse?  Please use the link below and complete the interest form.  


A few reminders as we officially close out the 2024 season:  


  • Today is the first day of the 2025 season!  
  • Put the work in... Champions are made during the offseason.  
  • Be on the lookout for a summer workout program, both cardio and strength and conditioning.  If you want to get better, you need to be doing these workouts.  
  • Attend summer camp somewhere!  
  • Join club teams or attend their clinics - Questions? Just ask!
  • Come to open gyms starting after winter break
  • Please don’t put your stick down and let it collect dust until tryouts next spring.  

Looking Ahead to Next Year - Tryouts

  • Tryouts will be different for the 2025 season.  
  • All athletes will try out at the same time.  
  • Tryouts will likely last the entire first week of the season, possibly longer.  
  • A strong emphasis will be placed on athletes’ stamina and their fundamental skills of catching and passing.  Coaches will be looking for athletes who can pass and catch the ball with both hands successfully and athletes who can demonstrate their ability to run, both for short bursts and long, over extended periods of time.  With that being said, these are skills athletes can work on during the offseason without the assistance of anyone else.  Put in the work now, so you can reap the benefits later.  

Girls Lacrosse Emails

If you are not receving emails from Coach Dalton regarding Girls Lacosse, please send an email ( to get added to the list.  


Weekly Schedules

Athletes who are driving themselves, riding with a teammate, or driving a teammate to Butterfield must complete and turn in a Transportation Waiver.  

Sign Up to Receive Remind101 Alerts

  • General Girls Lacrosse Information:  Text “@catsglax” to 81010
  • Varsity Team:  Text "@lhsvarglax" to 81010.  
  • Junior Varsity Team:  Text "@lhsjvlax24" to 81010.  
  • Frosh/Soph Team:  Text "@frsophlac" to 81010.  

Important Season Information


Practices (once we are outside full-time)

All levels will practice at Butterfield Elementary School. When possible, there will be transportation to the field for practice. The transporation is one way.  Athletes will meet the driver/bus by the old pool doors immediately after school.  Whenever possible, Varsity will practice at the Stadium or Brainerd.  This does mean their practice time will fluctuate based on field usage.  

  • F/S 4:00-5:30 pm
  • JV 4:00-5:30 pm
  • Varsity 4:00-6:00 pm


Missing Practice

If you know in advance that you will be absent from practice, you must give both written (e-mail is acceptable) and verbal notice to your coach. This must be done at least 24 hours in advance.


Late to Practice

If you know you will be late to practice, written (e-mail is acceptable) and verbal notice must be given to your coach 24 hours prior. If you are late to practice with no excuse, the coach will issue consequences as s/he sees fit.

Questions or Concerns?

Please contact Coach Dalton.