D128 Superintendent Search

The Community High School District 128 Board of Education is conducting a search for a new superintendent to lead the district. In October 2024, the Board chose BWP & Associates to lead the Superintendent search process. The new Superintendent will begin the position July 1, 2025.

For complete details regarding applying for the position or becoming involved in the process, please visit the left-side navigation.


Update -- Jan. 16, 2025

We are pleased to provide an update on the progress of our superintendent search process. ​We received 22 applications for the superintendent position. After a thorough review, six semi-finalists will move forward to second-round interviews. From this group, 2-3 finalists will be chosen and will move forward for an interview with an Advisory Committee.

A​n Advisory Committee comprised of district administrators, union representatives and board of education candidates will conduct interviews with the finalists on Jan​.​ 29 under the direction of our search firm, BWP.

BWP will provide an update on the current status of the search process at the ​J​an. 28 Board meeting. The Board will vote on hiring the final candidate no later than Feb. 24.

We appreciate your continued support and engagement as we move forward with selecting the new D128 superintendent. We will continue to keep you informed as the process progresses.