Student/Parent/Guardian Responsibilities

The students in special education will:

  • Be treated fairly and given equal opportunity to receive an appropriate education based on their IEP. 
  • Receive a complete explanation of their IEP accommodations. 
  • Receive assistance and/or guidance from their case manager in matters relating to their education and success in school. 
  • Communicate their academic difficulties to their case manager as soon as possible.
  • Be honest with others regarding their educational abilities and difficulties.  
  • Put forth their best work effort in all of their courses.  
  • Follow all school rules.   
  • Make a sincere effort toward meeting the goals of their IEP.  
  • Bring coursework and assignment books to their scheduled Tutorial/TAB resource classes each school day.  
  • Attend staffings/meetings that concern their education.  

  Parents/guardians of students receiving special education have: 

  • All the rights set forth in the federal law IDEA as amended in 2004.
  • A right to request a parent conference with their student’s case manager, or an IEP meeting with the Program Supervisor.
  • A right to expect a timely response to their inquiries, concerns, and requests for information and assistance in understanding their student’s IEP and school schedule.