VHHS Science Department Philosophy Statement


The Vernon Hills Science department invites students to experience science as a verb.  A well-rounded education includes a broad understanding of the living world and the physical laws fundamental to our interdependent universe. In accordance with the Illinois Science Standards, the Science department recommends that students take at least three years of core courses such as biology, chemistry, physics or earth science with a minimum of one year in a life science and one year in a physical science.

The science faculty is committed to developing DARING graduates.  Each course is in alignment with the expectations of the Next Generation Science Standards and is designed to offer students a hands-on experience of content-rich investigations that will ensure students are able to grow in their ability to think creatively, ponder problems, and propose solutions based on evidence and reason.  Productive science discussions encourage sharing of diverse perspectives in a collaborative manner in order to better understand our complex world.  We are committed to helping students grow their scientific perspective so they will thrive in their future academic studies and careers, having a greater appreciation of the physical universe throughout their lives.

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