D128 hosted the first meeting of its newly-formed Interfaith Advisory Group on Dec. 21 at the District Office. The group is composed of interfaith leaders from across the D128 community. This group's key purposes are to:
- Listen to understand the needs of the diverse cultural and religious groups that we serve.
- Learn about the nuances of the religious observations within our school community.
- Educate our staff and community to proactively address incidents of discrimination in our schools.
- Educate our staff on unconscious bias related to religion.
- Build stronger connections with diverse stakeholders through ongoing dialogue.
- Model the power of possibilities when we come together.
- Set an example of grace that leads to a restorative process.
- Establish a culture of mutual respect and understanding.
- Advocate for students’ and staff's fair treatment regarding their religious observance.
- Serve as a resource to staff, families, and the community related to faith-based topics.
The group will meet again in the Spring and three times a year thereafter. Those attending the inaugural meeting were Superintendent Denise Herrmann, Director of Equity and Inclusion Larry Varn, Imam Azfar Uddin of Islamic Foundation North, Padmaja Khanna of Chinmaya Mission Grayslake, Rabbi Ari Margolis of Congregation Or Shalom, Jen Daniels of St. Mary of Vernon Catholic Church, Senior Pastor Rev. Christopher Neptun of Holy Cross Lutheran Church, and D128 Board of Education President Lisa Hessel.