Wellness, Health and Safety
- Identify safe vs. unsafe feelings and situations
- Identify trusted adults
- Identify private areas of body
- Demonstrate refusal skills
- Understand consent
- Identify the difference between a safe and unsafe secret
- Safety skills at home and in the community
- Body awareness
- Understand progression of relationships
- Friendship skills
- Healthy vs. Unhealthy Relationships
- Sexuality and human development
Adult Living Skills
- Common Household chores
- Simple household maintenance
- Following a Cleaning Schedule
- Understanding Directions on Cleaning Products
- Easy Decorating with Pictures and Plants
- Organizing a Closet and Dresser
- Doing the Laundry
- Information on Clothing Labels
- Ironing vs. Dry Cleaning
- and more!
Your Career Path
Off to a Good Start
- The Importance of First Impressions
- The Employee Handbook
- Fitting in with CO-Workers
- Interpreting a Paycheck
Learning the Job
- Impressing Your Supervisor
- Following Verbal Directions and Asking for Clarification
- Reading Instructions: Using a Job Aid
- Teamwork and Cooperation
Succeeding on the Job
- Measurements of Progress
- Benchmarks: Speed and Accuracy
- Taking Initiative
- Qualifying for a Raise
Workplace Problems and Solutions
- Reliability: Tardiness and Absenteeism
- Handling Criticism
- Bringing Personal Problems into the Workplace
- Relationships with Co-Workers
Workplace Readiness
- Aptitude Tests and Interest Inventories
- Career Categories and Preparation
- Salaries, Wages and Job Benefits
- Short Term and Long Term Goals
Occupational Training
- Basic Business Skills
- Occupational training
- Community College
- On-the-job Training
Applying for a Job
- Job Search Resources
- Agencies: Private and State
- Resumes and Cover Letters
- Completing a job application
The Job Interview
- Businesslike Communication
- Dressing for Success
- Answering Questions
- The Follow-Up Call and Thank you Letter
Social-Emotional and Communication
- Identify rights as a student and adult
- Identify strengths/preferences
- Recognize support system and how to ask for help
- Understand the parts of an IEP
- Understand Transfer of Educational Rights in the IEP
- Participate in development and understand components of a Transition Plan
- Develop transition outcome goals in Employment, Education and Training/Independent Living
- Explore options for employment/education and training/Independent Living
- Identify disability and communicate accommodations and supports needed as a student and in adulthood