Entry Plan (2021-2022)

Goals and Structure

  • Learn as much as possible about D128 in order to understand its strengths, challenges, and areas for growth.
  • Establish a strong working relationship with each member of the School Board and build a cohesive governance team with a common, united purpose.
  • Nurture strong, positive, and collaborative relationships with the leadership team and with each of the district’s professional employee groups.
  • Learn about the values, norms, and expectations of our community to best serve our students.
  • Establish common goals, align resources and develop a strategic plan of action to ensure all students are college- and career-ready and achievement gaps are closed.

The transition activities outlined in this plan are designed to enable me to quickly and effectively listen to and learn from a wide range of people involved directly and indirectly in public education. 

Phase 1 - Transition

This phase will consist of activities designed to support a smooth transition from the previous superintendent to the new superintendent.


  • Engage in one-on-meetings with Board members and cabinet leaders to build relationships and broaden perspective
  • Schedule a visit to every school site to meet and get to know each principal
  • Partner with previous superintendent and central office team to ensure a smooth handoff of ongoing projects and issues
  • Conduct a retreat with executive cabinet to understand D128 culture and discuss leadership team structures and practices
  • Hold first Board retreat to discuss communication protocols, roles and responsibilities, norms of behavior and interaction, expectations for first year, and agenda setting
  • Review all critical documents, including organizational chart, employee handbooks, policy and procedures
  • Meet and build relationships with key leaders in the community identified by the Board and staff
  • Review key district financial materials, budget, and current construction projects
  • Establish social media presence (@D128Herrmann) to enhance communication between superintendent and stakeholder groups. 

Phase 2 - Listen & Learn

This is an important phase to listen and learn from students, teachers, principals, staff, parents, and community members about the strengths, challenges, and areas for growth for D128 schools.

Key Questions for Listen & Learn Sessions

  1. What should Dr. Herrmann know about the community?
  2. What are the strengths of D128?
  3. What are the challenges facing D128?
  4. What are some of the opportunities that the D128 needs to explore further or develop?


  • Ensure all necessary plans and preparations are in place for an outstanding opening of schools; establish protocols for assessing effectiveness of opening days activities
  • Reach out to leadership from collective bargaining groups to establish regular meetings and communication protocols
  • Meet with leaders of local media outlets and education reporters to establish a framework for collaboration that is open, honest, transparent and accurate.
  • Conduct meetings with legal firms to review any current legal proceedings 
  • Schedule meetings with the established student leadership organizations for initial listening and learning sessions.  Establish routine meetings and communications with these organizations.
  • Schedule before- and after-school superintendent coffees for initial listening and learning sessions with parents and community
  • Schedule a visit to each school for initial listening and learning sessions with teachers, staff and students (“Subs with the Superintendent”)
  • Begin the process of visiting classrooms at each site to see teaching and learning in action
  • Meet with superintendents of K-8 partner districts to learn about middle-high school transition programs
  • Meet with community leaders in the greater Libertyville/Vernon Hills  Area

Phase 3 -  Analyze & Plan                                                                                                                                                  

I will use the data that is gathered during the listening and learning phase to develop a summary report and presentation.  The summary information will serve as a resource to help inform the school board and district leadership on the district’s goals, strategic focus areas, and planning.

  • Analyze student achievement data (Dashboard and other sources)
  • Share/receive feedback on draft at District leadership team meeting
  • Integrate summary information into the Strategic Planning process


Visit this link to view the Superintendent's Entry Plan in a PDF format.