Clubs and Activities

Director of Student Activities

Jennifer Uliks (847-327-7258)

The formula to contact advisors through email is:

LHS New Club Application



  Jeff Brown rryce3k TBD 3:30 -4:00 Choir room
Academic Decathalon   Mark Buesing 6gjk7fx TBD 3:40-4:15 weekly
Anime Club   Bill Reichert vv37tj3 Every Tuesday 3:30 Room 017
API Unite   Paul Lecaroz ozaasxn

Every other Thursday Starting 8/31/23
3:30 pm Room 131

Art Club   Stefanie Dahlstrom l6jq6jx 1st and 3rd Tuesdays 3:30-4:30pm Room 009
ASL (Sign Language Club)   Sara Keefe fhbfrme Thursday mornings, 8-8:30 in room 212
Athletic Clubs: Ice Hockey   See Athletic Director    
Bass Fishing Team   Bob Uliks  

Rotating Tuesdays/Wednesdays Room 017
See Google Classroom for dates

Best Buddies   Meghan Ahern zx3edua

Every other Thursday - 3:30-4pm  Link Crew Room (019)

Book Club   Amy Wiggins 5y5e5nv

Once a month on a Friday from 3:30-4:00 p.m. Library

BSU-Black Student Union   Sharra Powell dbqq3bx

Every other Thursday (usually 2 Thursdays a month) 3:35-4:05 
Room 208

Caring for Cambodia   Tiffany Rafiner


Thursdays 8:15am Bi-Weekly  (Exec board weekly)  Room 2102

Chem Cats   Katti Bacher fozljyy

Wednesdays (1 to 2x a month) Room 2103

Chess Club   David Young emflokw

Wednesdays at 3:30 Room 2102

Cleftomaniacs   Jeff Brown woaijke

Fridays 3:30-4:00 pm Choir Room

Coding Cats   Teresa Elmore


Mondays 3:30 - 4:30  Room 122 

Cosmetic Club   David Kreutz w4ib7p5

November to February Wednesdays 3:35 (Day can change once we meet) 
Room 2102

Cre-8 (Engineering Club)   Andy Thomson wabay74

Thursdays 3:30-4:15  Room 002

Curie Cats   Teresa Elmore aruo26f

Thursdays 3:30 - 4:30  Room 122 

Debate Team   Sarah Greenswag dwpntht

Mondays & Wednesdays 3:30-4:30  Room 131

DECA   Luca Ciccolini **Membership Required** Thursdays @ 8:00am.
Dramatic Events   Kevin Holly    
Drops of Ink   Paul Reiff    
Dungeons and Dragons   Mike Mansell ibt3gd3

Mondays 3:30-5  Library

ECOS (Environment, Climate and Ocean Sustainability)   Jennifer Kahn ryq37us

Tuesday 8:00-8:40 AM or Friday 8:00-8:40 AM

eSports   Mark Buesing ufcisrs

Variable - most games played at home

FCCLA   Katie Gallivan    
**Fellowship of Christian Athletes   Adam Stuart    
Fencing Club   Click here - Signup to receive information about joining
French Club   Laura Guiard


Thursdays 3:30-4:15 Room 1111

Freshman Class Council   Stephanie Henrichs    
German Club   Heidi Lechner    
GSA (Gender-Sexuality Alliance)   Dyan Naslund 2y4bbwr

Tuesdays 3:30-4:15 rm 258

Graphics Club   Jeremy Gerlach


Every other Monday 3:30-5:00 Room 015

Gray Area   Sarah Greenswag


Every other Thursday (11/18) after school Rm 131

HOSA (Future Health Professionals)/Med Cats   Aaron Wellington    
Interact   Jennifer Uliks foxeyga

Monday after school  Room 1107

Intramural Athletics/Club Sports   Athletic Department    
**Jewish Culture Club   Michael Gluskin    
Junior Class Council   Meghan Ahern    
Knitty Kittys   Nicole Klein    
LASO (Latin American Student Organization)   Adriana Espinoza 7aecu47

Every other Thursday  3:30-4:30 room 006

Latin/Certamen Team   Jaime Reuben rsukikq

Tbd (announcements made on Google Classroom)

LEAF (Libertyville Environmental Action Force)   Jennifer Kahn 3mp6xol

Mon 3:30-4:30 after school  Thurs 3:30-4:30 after school
(Thursdays are extra work-days)
 Room 226        or     Prairie Courtyard (when weather is good)

Magic the Gathering Games   Mike Mansell    
Master Singers   Jeff Brown


Thursdays 3:30-4:00 PM Choir Room 

Math Team   Rick Brenner


Practice: Tuesdays 3:30-5:00 (Rm 235)
Competitions: Wednesday or Thursday about once per month 3:00-9:00pm

Mock Trial   Dennis Duffy 6pl5t4g

Mondays and Wednesdays,   3:30-5pm   Room 242

Model United Nations   Matt Wahl swrmo6p

 Thursdays, 3:30-4:00pm  Room 216

**Muslim Student Association    Kevin O'Neill pqnteo5

Every other Tues, 3:30-4ish Room 224

National Honor Society   Sarah Kelly

By invitation only-membership required

Every other Tuesday (morning or after school)

Orchesis   Eryn Brown    
Physics Club   Mike Bush

By invitation only Provided to AP Physics students eligible to compete

Weekly practices starting in September 3:30 - 4:30 Days of week TBD
depending on students’ schedules  Rm 255

Pickleball Club   Brigid Buchert    
Ping Pong/Table Tennis Club   Christophe Guiard dt5ur7h

Fridays  3:30- 4:30 PM  
1st semester Field House A    West Gym hallways

Production Services   Kevin Holly    
Psychology Club   Kara Gierman


Every other Monday  3:30-4 Room 217

Random Acts of Kindness (RAK)   Sarah Kelly hwlv3xq

Every other Tuesday after school  Rm 261

Robotics Team   Sherri Rukes dqm6nmv

 individual work time TBA depending on students schedules
Meet in room 2103  Competition in April

SASA (South Asian Student Association)   Danilo Sutic    
Scholastic Bowl   Karen LeMaistre    
Science Olympiad   Paul Karnstedt omud33u

1st official meeting Monday 9/11/23  After on Thursdays after school in 241

Scone Thugs and Harmony   Kelly Angelos


Tuesdays 3:30
MIDI lab (195)

Senior Class Council   Kelly Angelos     
Slant of Light   Matt Tooley tiicmc  hi 7 needed
SnoCats   Sarah Kelly & Mr. Sean Kelly zhrvt2h Thursdays starting in November
Sophomore Class Council   Kevin Gorell    
Stageplayers   Christopher Thomas    
Student Ambassador Services   Kelly Angelos


Tours on an as-needed basis throughout the school year

Student Council   Amanda Comeaux, Kara Bosman



See Class Councils above for individual class meeting times and locations

Students Supporting Equal Rights   Ryan Ebling l3zcxe7

Every other Thursday at 8:00 am
Room 261

Topcats Afterschool Program   Audrey Glenn  gtijutn Wednesdays after school
Treblemakers   Jeff Brown


Day TBD 3:30-4:00 Choir Room

Wildcat Guard   Anne Fowkes


Once a month in-services in the pool.  See Mrs. Fowkes for schedule.
Paid Lifeguarding opportunities on Tue/Wed/Thur/Sunday nights, Sunday mornings, and Sunday afternoons. See Mrs. Fowkes for application process.

WHA (Wildcat Historical Assn)   Kevin O'Neill    
Wildcat Productions   Daniel Treptow 27sitcu

Mondays after school  Room 206

Wildcats Rise   Brenda Nelson svyn7l4

Monthly social events - variety of weekends, after school, evenings 

Writers' Club   Karen LeMaistre 55k7bxt Mondays from 3:30 - 4:30
WYSE (Worldwide Youth in Science & Engineering)   Pete Dawson


Fridays after school  Room 254

Young Investors   Bill Reichert    


Questions on student activities may  be directed  to Jennifer Uliks, Director of Student Activities, at (847) 327-7258 or, Kelly Brosio, Student Activities Assistant, at (847) 327-7058, or contact the sponsor of the organization. Watch the daily bulletin for club/activity meeting dates and times.*

**Non-school sponsored club 

***Pilot Club

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