Cougar Cubs Preschool
The preschool is a laboratory preschool within the high school setting in the spring. The Cougar Cubs Preschool is designed for children between the ages of 3-5 who are toilet trained and ready to experience a supportive and enriching preschool environment. The children work closely with their high school "teachers" and develop one on one relationships with them. Teachers prepare and implement daily lesson plans. The Cougar Cubs Preschool program offers a truly excellent experience for both our high school students and our preschool students.
Enrollment is limited. Sessions are filled on a first come, first served basis. We have an open admissions policy; however, the Vernon Hills High School staff reserves the right to determine if our program is an appropriate placement for each preschool student. Class time will be approximately 1.5 hours. The preschool meets four days a week. Starting and ending times will be announced in the near future.
Preschool Registration. Program begins in March!
If you have questions, email