
Director of Student Activities: 

Dr. Deborah Beagle (ext. 2195)

The formula to contact advisors through email is:

Student Activity Google Classroom Code Name of Advisor(s)
#VHGIVE r6gzquq Deborah Beagle, Tara Young, Brittany Redig, Monica Caldicott,  Amy Dillon, Robin Levin
Anime 65kdx6s Robert Wilson
Art Club rlfonce Allison Molloy
Asian Student Association  jsye2cl Alex Joe, Melissa Amerine
Automotive Club ke5iuim Jason Rush
Backlight Theatre gtlt2ob Kevin Phelan, Stephanie Freichels
Bass Fishing Team a2stt2n Doug Dusthimer, Mark Prosise
Best Buddies zdj4uyb Danielle Rogner, Kaydee Wasserman
Black Student Union dfbesk6 Madeline Hall, Shawn Woodie
Book Club 2bayjzt Monica Caldicott, Sonya Stevens
BPA (Business Professionals of America) aotp6hb Daniel Pien, Shawn Woodie, Shannon Reymann-Golat
Chess Club    TBD
Computer Science Club sf7etvl

Adam Lueken, Ryan Feeney

Cougar Cycling Club & Triathlon Club c4gb3ma Adam Lueken 
CRU   Rob Nardini, Robin Levin
DTE (Advocacy Club) g52hlkg Amanda Klein, Laura Rash
eSports cfecn7e Brandon Watters, Sean Conroy
eXtreme Flag Football 6nk5df4 Brian Voss
FCA (Fellowship of Christian Allies) ahprsh6 Student Led Organization (Matthew Bellito, Theodore Kelley)
FMPA (Future Medical Professionals of Am.) 0xx5sw5 Ashley Antony
French Club  x5rgxlu Kristina Hauptmann
Freshman Class Student Council o7s4zxj Lauren Purchatzke, Melissa Amerine
Improv Club 5zltqi7 Rachel Campbell
Indian Student Association zlfvvtk Radhika Joshi
International Club kwifm6h Michelle Bastiani 
Intramurals euiao56 Jason Czarnecki, Sean Kelly, Ryan Feeney
JSU (Jewish Student Union) zmqq266 Student Led Organization (Megan Geltner, Shoshanna Candela)
Junior Class Student Council nuxdioe Amanda Carroll
Latin American Student Organization gmgh6l6 Rebeca Garcia, Tiffany Heinlein
Law Enforcement Club    Kurt Erickson, Dan Mead
Math Team 6zwezbj

Steve Korney, Jessica Chapman,  Alex Joe,  Jen Tye, Jared Gustafson, Lauren Harmon, Brittany Kolle

Muslim Student Association 3mawmnq Student Led Organization (Siobhan Szabo)
National Honor Society rcpzmgu Shannon Garcia,  Deborah Lehman, Michelle Tran,Jan Sancho
Outdoor Adventure Club 3a46uw4 Doug Dusthimer, Jesse Wolter 
Ping Pong Club ysojskw

Doug Dusthimer, Jiangteng (Thomas) Yu

Robotics m5pvxv4 Jay Walgren
Scholastic Bowl kozqvbc Shawn Healey, Megan Geltner
Science Olympiad pfujfpa Mark Prosise, Yon Choi
Senior Class Student Council 6vcxe5s

Brittany Redig

Sexuality and Gender Acceptance (SAGA) r4pdw4t

Amy Christian, Eileen Baranyk

Sign Language Club wb4uic3 Kaydee Wasserman, Claudia Aranda
Slavic Student Association    Elissa Gong
Sophomore Class Student Council ansch2n Elizabeth Peterson 
SPARK (Supporting Peers and Reaching Kids) yocxp4l Amy Dillon, Tiffany Heinlein
Special Olympics fktw4au Andy Compton, Jeff Morello, Corey Atwell, Sean Kelly, Chris Curry, Suzanne Curry
Strategy Club oarpq7q

Sean Conroy 

Student Council Executive Board zftnxyq Laura Oliver, Merissa Zyrkowski, Robin Levin
VH Media 3hk23e3 Beth Landeche, Dave Zacharko
VIP (Voices in Prevention)   Amy Dillon, Doug Dusthimer
Whispers e7cuybs Ellen Macias, Rachel Campbell