Report Absence

If your student is staying home due to illness, students are advised to stay home as needed and/or until they are 24 hours fever-free (<100.4). 

Regarding COVID, the guidance has not changed.  For COVID-like symptoms, the health department and District 128 recommend staying home and performing a COVID test before returning to school.  The test can be a home test.  If the test is positive, please isolate and call the nurse's office.  If the test is negative, the student can return to school.  No proof of testing is required.  Consider testing again if symptoms persist beyond a few days.  For any questions, call the nurse's office.



Attendance Hotline for students with the last names of A-F:  (847) 327-7210

Attendance Hotline for students with the last names of G-P:  (847) 327-7220

Attendance Hotline for students with the last names of Q-Z:  (847) 327-7230


If your student will also be absent from Tech Campus, you are required to call both LHS and Tech Campus to report the absence. Tech Campus attendance hotline: 847-543-6024