2023 ILMEA District 7 Orchestra Audition Information
Audition Date
October 4, 2023
Audition Location
Online submission
Required Audition Materials
Violin, Viola, Cello, and Bass
Supplemental Excerpts from Rachmaninov Symphony No. 2 Finale can be found at:
Notes on the Supplemental Excerpts:
- There are 6 excerpts for violin, and 6 excerpts for viola, cello, double bass.
- Students should make sure to read and follow all notes listed on each page.
- Please keep in mind that the bowings in these packets are not the official (guest conductor-approved) bowings we will be using at the November District festival. A set of festival parts will be provided for you on the night of auditions.
State-Required Excerpts posted at:
ILMEA Scales (three octaves, two for bass, detache, qtr=120)
- C,G,D,A,E,F,Bb Major
- C, G Melodic Minor
Download scales for ILMEA strings here
Required Excerpts
- Required Excerpts are required and can be found at the above link
Required Etude
- Required Etudes can also be found at the above link