Cell Phones/Electronic Devices: 

  • Students may possess cell phone/electronic communication devices while on school property, and may use these devices only in the hallways during passing periods, and in the cafeteria during lunch hours. Students may not use cell phone/electronic devices during instructional time except at the direction of the classroom teacher for educational purposes. Such devices shall not be used in areas of personal privacy such as restrooms and locker room facilities or for any unlawful activities. Violation of this policy will subject the student to disciplinary consequences.

Personal Electronics/Technologies:

  • Technological devices may not be used to invade the privacy of any student or staff member, to violate the rights of any student or staff member, or to harass any student or staff member. Actions including, but not limited to, taking an individual’s photo without consent, recording an individual’s voice or image without consent, or storing/accessing personal and/or academic data without consent are prohibited and subject to disciplinary action and possible police involvement.
  • The taking, disseminating, possessing of lewd images on cell phones or electronic devices may be a crime under Illinois and/or federal law.