Individualized Education Plan (IEP)

Students who receive Special Education Services have been evaluated by a school district and found to be eligible for services according to the federal law, IDEA, and Illinois State Board of Education procedural guidelines. In accordance with IDEA, all eligible students have Individualized Education Plans (IEPs).

A student’s IEP includes:

  • His/her present level of performance and how the disability affects them in the general education curriculum
  • The annual goals and the short-term objectives that are identified as necessary areas of focus to succeed in the classroom. In addition, it states how these goals and objectives will be measured and how progress will be reported to the student’s parents.
  • The special education services, related services, and supplementary services that the student requires to help support any areas of disability. It states the dates such services are to begin and includes the frequency, location, and duration of the services.
  • The accommodations and modifications the student needs to be successful in the general education environment.
  • The transition plan that identifies student assessments, services and goals in the areas of education, career and independent living.

Special Education services are provided in accordance with each student’s IEP. The school district is obligated by federal law to develop and implement an IEP with attainable goals to ensure the student will benefit from a public school education. The IEP is not a guarantee that the student will receive a specific letter grade, grade point average or that a student will receive credit for all academic courses attempted at the high school level.