Student is capable of meeting course standards and targets with accommodations. Examples of accommodations would include: the access to teacher or student notes for study; an electronic reader or a reader; extended time testing or an alternate testing site; the use of a recording device with permission; access to a keyboard. All accommodations and modifications are determined by the student’s IEP, 504 Accommodation Plan, Learning Support Team (LST) Plan or Medical Plan created with the school nurse and LST. Grading is based on the course standards and student work requirements for the course. This grade will be computed into the student’s GPA at the College Prep level.

Student is not capable of meeting course standards and targets due to a disability or other reasons as determined by the student’s Individualized Education Plan (IEP) team or by the student’s Learning Support Team (LST) Plan, and course modifications are recommended for the student. In these instances, the course title will be changed to include the word “modified”. All modifications are determined due to a significant student need and are part of the student’s IEP or Learning Support Team (LST) Plan. The educational team will determine the type of grade to be earned including letter grades or alternate grading options.  This grade will be computed into the student’s GPA at the College Prep level.