Step 2 - PowerSchool Account
New to LHS?
Incoming Freshman families should have done this in January/February during course selection.
Set up a D128 PowerSchool Parent Portal
- A parent/guardian new to Libertyville High School needs to create their own Power School account. (A PowerSchool account from another school cannot be used at LHS.)
- Navigate to the D128 Parent PowerSchool Portal to create your account!
- Create a Parent/guardian account by entering the information below unless you have an active account with a current student at LHS. If so, sign in and skip to Add students to your existing LHS parent account below.
Your First and Last Name
Your email address
- Choose a username and password (please note that usernames and passwords are case sensitive)
Already have a current LHS student?
Add students to your existing Libertyville High School parent account if you currently have a student at LHS. Skip this part if you have just created an account or already linked your student.
- Log into your Parent Powerschool Account, click on the Account Preferences button located at the left hand menu
- On the top left side, click on the Students tab
- Click the Add button
Link Your Student to Your PowerSchool Parent Account
You need the Parent Access ID and Access Password for each student you want to link to your Single Sign-on. Please contact the registration hotline at 847-327-7200 if you do not have this information.