Strategic Plan

Health and Wellbeing

Goal 1 - Health and Wellbeing

The purpose of the Health and Wellbeing Goal is to develop a coordinated approach to support students’ social-emotional learning across the school, classrooms, and within the community. The five-year plan will result in awareness and access to services, de-stigmatization of mental health, a connection between mental health and academic success, a health and well-being infrastructure, and social-emotional and health well-being systems of support. 

Health and Wellbeing Programming, Resources, and Supports 

To develop a coordinated approach for supporting students’ social-emotional learning across the school, classrooms, and within the community. 


  • Implement youth mental health first aid training 
  • Provide teen mental health first aid training 
  • Deliver social-emotional learning and health and wellbeing 
  • Services and supports 
  • Include student voice and leadership 


  • Train 100% of staff 
  • Train 35% or more of students for the first implementation of training 
  • Conduct and review surveys 
  • Receive feedback from focus groups 
  • Evaluate partnerships, programs, and services 

Key Tasks

  • Provide youth mental health training to all D128 staff 
  • Provide teen mental health training to targeted D128 students 
  • Explore social-emotional learning programs that increase connection and promote academic success 
  • Implement a student mentoring program 
  • Deliver additional mental health and social-emotional learning services to students 
  • Establish a mental health and wellbeing student leadership group to guide the implementation status of social-emotional learning experiences 

Health and Wellbeing For Staff 

To promote health and wellbeing for staff. 


  • Cultivate D128 staff social-emotional competence and wellbeing 


  • Conduct and review surveys 
  • Receive feedback from professional learning and activities 
  • Evaluate partnerships, programs, and services 
  • Increase the percentage of health and wellbeing activities for staff 

Key Tasks

  • Offer community-building opportunities for staff 
  • Schedule health and wellness activities for staff 
  • Increase awareness of mental health supports available to staff 
  • Explore partnerships with local agencies to provide mental health and wellbeing services to staff 

Health and Wellbeing Operations, Resources, and Infrastructure 

To promote a health and wellbeing ecosystem that fosters an innovative integrated system of resources and supports. 


  • Assess and recommend operations, resources, and infrastructure to deliver social-emotional learning and health and wellbeing services 


  • Monitor the percentage of our buildings’ utilization for health and wellbeing 
  • Track student access to health and wellbeing spaces 
  • Evaluate and receive feedback on programs and technology 

Key Tasks

  • Conduct a building utilization assessment to determine available space to dedicate to health and wellbeing 
  • Track student usage of current health and wellbeing spaces 
  • Identify data platforms to monitor and track student growth in social-emotional learning 
  • Restructure the in-school suspension room to promote de-escalation, mindfulness, and restorative practices 

Social-Emotional Learning and Health and Wellbeing Curriculum 

To cultivate meaningful coherent experiences for all students by embedding social-emotional learning and health and wellbeing throughout our academic environment. 


  • Strengthen classroom environments by providing implicit and explicit skill and instruction 
  • Cultivate a restorative school philosophy aligned to district social-emotional learning and health and wellbeing programming 


  • Survey from staff and students 
  • Receive feedback from staff 
  • Implement social-emotional learning into all content areas and other identified courses 
  • Identify and monitor performance indicators (attendance, increased activity in afterschool programs) 
  • Evaluate programming 

Key Tasks

  • Survey from staff and students 
  • Receive feedback from staff 
  • Implement social-emotional learning into all content areas and other identified courses 
  • Identify and monitor performance indicators (attendance, increased activity in afterschool programs) 
  • Evaluate programming 

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