Libertyville Connect
Libertyville Connect is a community coalition dedicated to positively impacting the health of our youth. Established in January of 2017, Connect is currently comprised of local stakeholders including representatives from Advocate Condell Medical Center, Cook Memorial Library, community parents, Lake County Health Department, Libertyville High School staff and students (LHS), Highland Middle School staff, Libertyville Police Department, Libertyville Village, and Youth and Family Counseling. Libertyville Connect advocates for positive youth mental health and a substance-free lifestyle by educating, empowering, and engaging our community.
The 2nd Monday of each month, September-May.
Data Driven
Since 2016, Connect has accessed the Illinois Youth Survey (IYS) to measure and evaluate efforts to reduce youth substance use in Libertyville. The IYS is a self-report survey implemented by the Center for Prevention Research and Development (CPRD) at the University of Illinois. The survey gathers data on youth attitudes and behaviors related to substance use, school and community climate, mental health and nutrition. The IYS is conducted biennially in even years (2018, 2020, etc.).
Youth Connect Council (YCC)
The YCC is focusing on engaging with local government to improve youth well-being in Libertyville. Students use the IYS data to drive prevention efforts, evaluate and learn from past prevention efforts to bring forth effective initiatives to Libertyville.
To receive conversation tips, updates, and news, please like our Facebook page or follow our Twitter account.
For tips on leading a healthy lifestyle, please follow our Instagram account.
Want to talk to your kids about alcohol and drugs, but are not sure where to start? Libertyville Connect's website has a variety of resources, including tips based on a child's age, conversation goals, when to be concerned, and a list of various resources within the community. And students, check out the section for teens! We want to highlight the wide array of resources, from national hotlines to local groups and school support services, that are available to students and adults.
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